Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park

320 MW

Installed Capacity

900 GWhr

~ Output per year


Number of homes powered

The Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park (PAREP) is a combined wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) hybrid project. It is one of the southern hemisphere's largest hybrid renewable energy power stations.

Located approximately 8 km south-east of Port Augusta in South Australia, the project will occupy approximately 5,400 hectares of land running from Port Paterson in the north, to Winninowie in the south and span the A1 Augusta Highway.

It comprises 50 wind turbines and 250,000 solar modules together with associated infrastructure, with a total installed capacity of almost 320 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy. A 275kV substation and export cable connects the project into the South Australian transmission network. 

Procurement opportunities

Vestas as the operator and maintenance provider for the site is undertaking the procurement for the site. Any work packages in excess of A$1m will be published on this website.

For further information on procurement please contact:

Carlos Marval: carlos.marval@iberdrola.com.au


Port Augusta Image Gallery

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